While They Sleep - La Nausee CD

While They Sleep - La Nausee CD
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12,90 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
In den Warenkorb
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
Art.Nr.: MHP16-190
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  • Details


The new full-length album "La Nausee" by the Ukrainian black metal band WHILE THEY SLEEP! The band plays classic raw old-school black metal with depressive black metal elements. Melodies are mostly slow and hasteless rather than fast. Grim aggression of black metal is replaced with hopeless melancholy more typical for doom metal. It is this melancholy that brings listeners into the state of detachment from the outside world. The viperous hissing of vocals, evoking the memories of the works by Lovecraft, breaks loose through the vague guitar lines against the background of drums. Traditional dirty sound is, at the same time, genuinely live and obscure. The lyrics of “La Nausee” are inspired by H.Ph. Lovecraft, F. Kafka and J.-P. Sartr. The tracery of absurd and existentialism is in harmonically intertwined with mysticism and loneliness of the main character.


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