Screaming Forest - Jesus=Whore CD

Screaming Forest - Jesus=Whore CD
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12,90 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
In den Warenkorb
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage
Art.Nr.: MHP10-070
Bewertungen: (0)

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New release for fans of black metal in the vein of sadistic perversions by Carpathian Forest and Darkthrone!

Contrary to pagan trend, Ukrainian devilry continues performing their version of doltish and slovenly “true” black metal with thrashy smell. As befits, here you can find dirty guitar sound, mighty raw drums and plenty of frenzied riffs, - just the thing for those who are through with commercially-oriented black metal! That’s it - long-desired frenzy, sodomy and fumes of debauchery and orgies! Nevertheless, the material is not being listened like vealy and raises no sneers.

Verdict: evil, greasy old school black metal, no sugariness and snot, pure sex, fuck and rock-n-roll! Definitely must have!

Black Metal


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