Rigorism - The Source of Suffering CD

Rigorism - The Source of Suffering CD
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13,90 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
In den Warenkorb
Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage
Art.Nr.: MHP09–069
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  • Details


The third full-length CD by RIGORISM demonstrates logical development of the style introduced on previous albums. Those interested in early works of the band will most likely find the new album to their taste.

The style of RIGORISM is distinct from the very beginning of any song. To combine density and aggression of death metal with atmospheric symphonic inserts, creating extremely somber suspense – this is the main idea of the band. However it doesn’t mean that each next song resembles the previous one – the musical palette is rich. Yet the album is being listened in one breath as the songs are united by the unique atmosphere, created by rigorous keys, deep growls and harsh guitar riffs. The band is stylistically close to Septic Flesh (early years) and Darkside (Austria).

Symphonic Death Metal

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